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Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Simple Life

 The Simple Life 

The Simple Life

Jennifer May for The New York Times

CONCENTRATION Meditation in front of the Shri Krishna Temple at the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Ranch in Woodbourne, one of several ashrams and monasteries in upstate New York.

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Published: December 12, 2008

IT began at 4:30 on a Saturday morning.

Catskills Travel Guide


Spiritual Retreats in Upstate New York

Upstate New York

The three dozen participants started out with two half-hour Buddhistmeditation sessions before dawn. They then spent the next two hours doing what's called work practice, which consisted of scrubbing toilets and raking leaves, all in silence. An afternoon of instruction on the essentials of Buddhism led to more meditation, cleaning the dinner dishes, and sleeping in dorm-style accommodations. Sunday was an abbreviated version of the day before.

Perhaps what was the most unusual aspect of this austere weekend at Zen Mountain Monastery in Mount Tremper, N.Y., was that many of the attendees were not adherents of Eastern religious practices, but were part of an increasing number of nonbelievers who are seeking stress-free, spiritual and often inexpensive weekend breaks at local ashrams (isolated communities formed around a guru who follows Hindu philosophy) and Buddhist monasteries (residences for monks).

Philipp Malkmus, a 30-year-old consultant for PricewaterhouseCoopers, said the rigorous agenda at Zen Mountain Monastery over the Halloween weekend actually left him refreshed. "It wasn't fun in the traditional sense, but it was the opposite of my life in New York City and a return to a very uncomplicated way of living," he said. "It gave me the rest and relaxation I was looking for."

Zen Mountain is just one example of an ashram or monastery in upstate New York that promises to recharge the mind and spirit of its guests with a combination of simplicity and meditation, served up on a tight schedule. At least half a dozen of these spiritual retreats are tucked away among the Catskill Mountains.

Most have been around for several decades, but until recently their visitors were mainly practicing Buddhists, serious yoga students or devotees of an ashram's guru. Today, these spots are attracting clientele from the surrounding metropolitan areas who've had limited interaction with Eastern religions, yoga or a spiritual guru. Like Mr. Malkmus, who spent several months before his trip clocking 60-hour workweeks, more nonbelievers are coming to experience the rigors of an ashram or monastery as a way to escape.

At Vivekananda Retreat, Ridgely, an ashram in Stone Ridge founded in 1997 on the principles of Swami Vivekananda, for example, Pravrajika Gitaprana, the minister in residence, estimated that half of the roughly 100 guests the ashram sees every year aren't followers of the swami. Five years ago, she said, almost all were.

Jennifer Schmid, the marketing director for Ananda Ashram in Monroe, said that many of the guests in the past few years had no knowledge of the ashram's guru, Shri Brahmananda Sarasvati, before visiting. "It used to be that most of the people coming to stay here had read our guru's writings or had studied with him," she said. "Today, people are realizing that we're a place they come to for refuge. They don't necessarily know anything about our guru or know that we even have a guru."

Mr. Malkmus had no prior knowledge of Buddhism or meditation before his stay at Zen Mountain. He discovered the monastery when he was searching the Internet for a weekend getaway in the Catskills. He chose to stay there, he said, because it represented the antithesis of his life of technology overdrive and constant action. "I've done lots of local trips to places like Fire Island and the Jersey Shore," he said. "The scenery changes, but the vibe doesn't. This has a back-to-the-basics approach that's unlike anything I've ever done."

It's the spartan living style and firm scheduling at these retreats that make them increasingly popular as an alternative vacation option. Harried urbanites can spend whole days without making a decision or facing a crisis, without trying to find a cab in the rain or worrying about a client. The activities are predetermined and tightly scheduled: meditation, chanting religious verses, doing chores around the property and silent self-contemplation.

The retreats' accessibility to several metropolitan areas and their affordability also enhance their appeal at a time when the economy is weak.

Ms. Schmid said that Ananda Ashram has been booked to its capacity of 50 guests nearly weekend, even in the winter, for the past two years. It is a marked change from when the ashram was not even half full during colder months. And the Introduction to Zen program that Mr. Malkmus participated in at Zen Mountain currently attracts 35 to 40 guests most weekends, up 25 percent from 10 years ago, said Ryushin Osho, a resident monk.

It's generally stress — whether personal or job related — that drives guests to choose one of these spiritual getaways, according to surveyed clientele and the staff at ashrams and monasteries. Melissa Poller spent a weekend at the Dai Bosatsu Zendo monastery in Livingston Manor last May in an effort to ease her incessant worrying about her job in technology services. Its routine is similar to Zen Mountain's, but with communication limited to only essential talking during much of the retreat, since activities such as eating and chores are viewed as a form of meditation. Ms. Poller said it was mentally and physically challenging to sit still and not talk for such long periods but that she felt free from stress for the first time in several months. "You push yourself to a limit," said Ms. Poller, a 30-year-old Brooklyn resident, "but the experience gave me a lot of clarity and peace and helped me cope with my constant anxiety."

Stays at monasteries such as Dai Bosatsu tend to be stricter than those at ashrams. At Sivananda Ashram Yoga Ranch, a picturesque 77-acre spot surrounded by woods in Woodbourne, for example, days begin at 6 a.m. with meditation and chanting, a two-hour yoga class and an hour of chores around the property. In the afternoons, ashram residents or outside speakers usually present workshops on topics such as "The Essentials of Yoga" and conduct question-and-answer sessions on meditation. But guests also have free time each day to go on staff-guided nature walks or relax in a 12-person wood-burning Russian sauna.

Grace Lee, a 32-year-old from New York City working in pharmaceutical research, stayed at Sivananda in October when a breakup with her long-term boyfriend, on top of an already stressful three-hour commute to and from work every day, began to affect her mental and physical health. "I was tense and fatigued all the time," she said, "and the massages I was getting at fancy spas were doing nothing for the knots in my neck."

Ms. Lee remembered the handful of yoga classes she had taken at various gyms as being relaxing and thought a few days of intense practice might be her ticket to unwinding. She came across Sivananda while researching yoga vacations, and though she's an avid globetrotter who has visited 32 countries, she said that the ashram's proximity to home was a deciding factor. "It's stressful to go to the airport and worry about lost luggage and the other negatives of flying," she said. "This is close to home, but it feels so far away and gives you the feeling that you've really disconnected from everything."

The days are lush with spiritual offerings, but the accommodations at Sivananda and other such sites are in line with the most barebones European youth hostel. At Ananda Ashram, for instance, housing is either dorm-style, single-sex quarters that sleep four to six or semi-private rooms with two single beds. Bathrooms are shared.

What they lack in deluxe lodgings, however, ashrams and monasteries more than make up in meals, which can rival those at an upscale spa. They're almost always buffet stylevegetarian affairs and incorporate locally grown produce and organic products. On a recent Wednesday afternoon at Ananda's high school-like dining hall, lunch featured six varieties of breads, including spelt and sprouted, roasted herbed potatoes, a vegan tomato bisque, orzo salad, pineapple-and-vegetable stir-fry, lemon bars, and apples and pears from a nearby farm. Nearly everything is made from scratch, including the ketchup, salad dressings and even tempeh.

Stays at ashrams and monasteries are all-inclusive and usually include accommodations, activities and three meals a day. Prices are as low as $60 a night for dorm-style rooms. Ms. Poller said the $200 cost for her weekend trip to Dai Bosatsu made the decision to go that much easier. "In the current economy, I worry about money," she said. "I'm trying to find ways to go away without spending so much money, and this is really inexpensive."

Although they're in vacation settings, the residents emphasize, these are not hotels for travelers looking for a cheap place to stay for a few nights. Pravrajika Gitaprana said anyone making a reservation at Vivekananda Retreat was told that participation in the meditation sessions and classes was encouraged. And Jokei Kyodo, a resident at Dai Bosatsu, said the monastery is not a resort for guests looking to put their feet up. "I had a lady who called me recently and said she had a few extra vacation days she needed to use up," she said. "We want people to come here and make a commitment to our Zen practice, which isn't exactly comfortable."

And while all the monasteries and ashrams surveyed said they weren't attempting to convert guests to any particular religion or guru and only wanted to provide spiritual solace, many guests find the getaways alluring enough to make a second trip. Ian Reclusado, a 28-year-old project manager in account sales from Brooklyn, stayed at Zen Monastery over a weekend in October and intends to go back for an intense weeklong session that involves 10 hours of meditation a day, and both Ms. Poller and Ms. Lee found their visits to Dai Bosatsu and Sivananda so beneficial that they've already returned for more stays.

Still, some say one visit is sufficient to give them what they were searching for. "It's not like I'm a die-hard Buddhist after this," said Mr. Malkmus of his weekend at Zen Mountain. "I wanted to get away from the permanent noise in New York City and get a break, and that's exactly what I got."


Ananda Ashram, Monroe (845-782-5575; www.anandaashram.org). Late risers will appreciate the 8 a.m. start time to most days. The ashram holds several kinds of yogaclasses, including hatha, anusara and vinyasa, and has a theater that shows dance performances and plays.

Blue Cliff Monastery, Pine Bush (845-733-4959; www.bluecliffmonastery.org). This Vietnamese Buddhist monastery opened in June 2007 in an old conference center. Meals are vegan, and students and those 65 and older get a discount on overnight stays.

Dai Bosatsu Zendo, Livingston Manor (845-439-4566; www.daibosatsu.org). Open to guests from March through June and September through November, for monthly Introduction to Zen retreats. Everyone must adhere to the 4:30 a.m. wake-up calls, work practice and silence.

Karma Triyana Dharmachakra, Woodstock (845-679-5906; www.kagyu.org). Days at this Woodstock monastery begin at 5 a.m. with chanting and meditation followed on weekends by Buddhist teachings. Afternoons repeat the morning schedule.

Sivananda Ashram Yoga Ranch, Woodbourne (845-436-6492; www.sivananda.org). Founded in 1976 on the principles of hatha yoga, the ashram offers four hours of yoga a day in this style. It also has special programs, such as juice fasting and family weeks.

Vivekananda Retreat, Ridgely, Stone Ridge (845-687-4574; www.ridgely.org). It has twice daily meditation sessions and often offers classes on yoga sutras or Vedantic scriptures but builds in four hours of unstructured time a day.

Zen Mountain Monastery, Mount Tremper (845-688-2228; www.mro.org). In addition to retreats, guests can visit this 230-acre property on most Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings for an introduction to meditation and Buddhism.


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