
Evernote Openbook: articles

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Road to a Jumbo Mortgage Was Supposed to Get Easier - New York Times

The Road to a Jumbo Mortgage Was Supposed to Get Easier - New York Times

I wonder if this portends persistent softness in the upper bracket real estate market. With the inertia in terms of the securitization of these larger loans, it may be a while longer before the bottom is established in terms of prices.

Putting Your Kitchen on a Diet - Well - Tara Parker-Pope - Health - New York Times Blog

Putting Your Kitchen on a Diet - Well - Tara Parker-Pope - Health - New York Times Blog
Thea am thinking of you

Dumb as We Wanna Be - New York Times

Dumb as We Wanna Be - New York Times
Freidman article on the inanity of the current political prescriptions to the oil dependence issue

Monday, April 28, 2008

oops, do you think I can make it home for dinner

what do you have in there?

Factum - Face the Fact: Let's go to the beach

Factum - Face the Fact: Let's go to the beach
Will Lake Mich look like this in the face of global warming

Wheaton College professor's divorce costs him his job -- chicagotribune.com

Wheaton College professor's divorce costs him his job -- chicagotribune.com

Tragic ofcourse, but it seems Wheaton is within it's bounds, and sounds as thought Prof Gramm wanted to make a bit of a statement.

Memory Training Shown to Turn Up Brainpower - New York Times

Memory Training Shown to Turn Up Brainpower - New York Times\

There is a kind of super memory trainer that is referred to in the wired Magazine article
on the Polish psychologist, Wozniak.

20 rules of formulating knowledge in learning

20 rules of formulating knowledge in learning
learning via supermemo

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Environmental Cost of Shipping Groceries Around the World - New York Times

Environmental Cost of Shipping Groceries Around the World - New York Times

Peak Water: Aquifers and Rivers Are Running Dry. How Three Regions Are Coping

Peak Water: Aquifers and Rivers Are Running Dry. How Three Regions Are Coping: "WIRED
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How to deal withe water crisis
Science : Planet Earth RSS
Peak Water: Aquifers and Rivers Are Running Dry. How Three Regions Are Coping
By Matthew Power Email 04.21.08 | 6:00 PM
Photo: Donald Milne

That the news is familiar makes it no less alarming: 1.1 billion people, about one-sixth of the world s population, lack access to safe drinking water. Aquifers under Beijing, Delhi, Bangkok, and dozens of other rapidly growing urban areas are drying up. The rivers Ganges, Jordan, Nile, and Yangtze — all dwindle to a trickle for much of the year. In the former Soviet Union, the Aral Sea has shrunk to a quarter of its former size, leaving behind a salt-crusted waste.

Water has been a serious issue in the developing world for so long that dire reports of shortages in Cairo or Karachi barely register. But the scarcity of freshwater is no longer a problem restricted to poor countries. Shortages are reaching crisis proportions in even the most highly developed regions, and they re quickly becoming commonplace in our own backyard, from the bleached-white bathtub ring around the Southwest s half-empty Lake Mead to the parched state of Georgia, where the governor prays for rain. Crops are collapsing, groundwater is disappearing, rivers are fa"

Embracing Chaos Could Bring Order to Your Memory

Embracing Chaos Could Bring Order to Your Memory

How to Juice Your IQ Score

How to Juice Your IQ Score

Want to Remember Everything You'll Ever Learn? Surrender to This Algorithm

Want to Remember Everything You'll Ever Learn? Surrender to This Algorithm

A fascinating article on how to be a mnemonic genius and how impracticable it really is

Monday, April 21, 2008

Ryan and Theo

Saturday, April 19, 2008

isaac theo in snow phanfare

Friday, April 18, 2008

Divided They Fall - New York Times

Divided They Fall - New York Times
Interesting followup point fro Kristof, when he pusbished oh the evnagelicals aren't so bad after all, and we should give them some credit on world poverty issues, the liberal backlash was from my perspective extremely harsh. The cognitive experiments he alludes to are interesting in that in it seems to affirm our systematic cognitive biases. We tend very much to tune out and dismiss that which doesn't conform to our own belief systems

Throwing up little children

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

NEJM -- Physician Workforce Crisis? Wrong Diagnosis, Wrong Prescription -- Table 2

NEJM -- Physician Workforce Crisis? Wrong Diagnosis, Wrong Prescription -- Table 2

Bottom line huge regional differences exist even at the best brand name medical centers and this is somewhat reflective on the regional idiosyncracies "standard of care" that exist in the community as well.

NEJM -- Physician Workforce Crisis? Wrong Diagnosis, Wrong Prescription -- Table 1

NEJM -- Physician Workforce Crisis? Wrong Diagnosis, Wrong Prescription -- Table 1
Policy implication of this slide shows us that even if there is discrepancy in terms of local physician shortages, outcome and satisfaction data may suggest that there is no difference in 2 omportant outcome endpoints.
There is some economic data out of the Dartmouth Group that bolsters this claim.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

You Thought You Had an Equity Line - New York Times

You Thought You Had an Equity Line - New York Times
MIght be prudent to max out while you can. I think this is really happening to people even w good credit, I don't think this is suburban myth.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

my footage of the lunar eclipse

Senate Readies Bipartisan Bill to Deal With Housing Slump - New York Times

Senate Readies Bipartisan Bill to Deal With Housing Slump - New York Times

not at all clear whether this will really help those who need it the most. But I am shocked at the bipartisan nature of this vote.

re quotables on cleanliness

Cleanliness becomes more important when godliness is unlikely.
P. J. O'Rourke

Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med -- Abstract: A Randomized Trial of the Effects of Reducing Television Viewing and Computer Use on Body Mass Index in Young Ch

Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med -- Abstract: A Randomized Trial of the Effects of Reducing Television Viewing and Computer Use on Body Mass Index in Young Children, March 2008, Epstein et al. 162

Confirms a commonsense intervention.

How Stupid Is Your Bike Lane? - Well - Tara Parker-Pope - Health - New York Times Blog

How Stupid Is Your Bike Lane? - Well - Tara Parker-Pope - Health - New York Times Blogbv

Oh the challenges of changing our society to be bike friendly .

Essay About Love and Literary Taste - Books - Review - New York Times

Essay About Love and Literary Taste - Books - Review - New York Times

Abstinence - Chastity Clubs - Virginity - Colleges and Universities - Harvard University - New York Times

Abstinence - Chastity Clubs - Virginity - Colleges and Universities - Harvard University - New York Times