
Evernote Openbook: articles

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Many Muslims Turn to Home Schooling - New York Times

Many Muslims Turn to Home Schooling - New York Times
They do for the same reasons Christians do, does this imply that we are buying into an over separatist mindset?

1 comment:

Susan said...

Actually, none of the reasons cited in the article match up with mine, except the very general statement that the parents thought they "could do better for their kids at home."

Currently, my top five reasons for homeschooling are:

1. more fun learning
2. more efficient use of time
3. enjoy having kids around
4. better chance of getting a better education
5. more flexibility in family's schedule

None of those were mentioned in the article at all. Avoiding some of the scary crap in schools is appealing, but I view that as a great perk, not a compelling motivation.